Mobile HyperChem Free allows you to draw, create, and save molecules on the device and manipulate them with the usual HyperChem tools such as Select, Rotate, Translate, etc. These apps are now available at the Apple App Store. Two new Apps, called Mobile HyperChem Free and Mobile HyperChem Level 1 are available for the mobile devices - iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Revised Utility Snap2Text.exe has been posted - Monday, May 9, 2011 These new values are used when the traditional atom type CT for the C5' atom in a DNA or RNA linkage is replaced by a new atom type, CI.Ī bug for Windows 7 and Vista but not XP that occurred when creating double standed DNA from monomer nucleic acids has also been fixed in 8.0.10. In addition, new parameters (Perez et al, Biophysical Journal, 92, 3817-29) for nucleic acids are available for the Amber94, Amber96, and Amber99 parameters sets of molecular mechanics. It is done using only main memory so very large DCI calculations may not be practical. This new capability is only available for Ab Initio calculations.
The new functionality in this release consists of an ability with Configuration Interaction calculations to do doubly-excited CI (DCI) or doubly-excited plus singly-excited CI (SDCI) in addition to the usual singly-excited CI.

A free maintenance Release 8.0.10 of HyperChem for Windows is now available for download.